Monday, May 3, 2010


Advertising are public communicative processes which businesses and manufactures used to tempt people in buying their products.
Advertisements are public promotion of some products or services which it comes in different forms such as t.v ads, newspapers, or posters.
There are two types of advertisements which are classified and display advertisements. Classified advertisements are usually small, and do not often have illustration and display have illustration, colourful and have range of sizes.
Advertisements are communicative processes but the choices are yours. “Do not buy it and get media smart”. “Not all glitters are all gold”.


  1. wow mama I really like your writing and will keep a good eye out for advertising.

  2. Vaelei Afa Lee-KumMay 5, 2010 at 2:11 PM

    Woah! :) This is really interesting! Just by reading this, I have already learnt something ;)

  3. Hey mama great story but advertising is not good because it really tricks you "WELL DONE"

  4. This is cool as Mama !

  5. Matua said, Awesome research evident. Very informative piece of writing.


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