Monday, April 26, 2010


Learning Intention: To use different word classes to paint a picture.
Success Criteria: To use nouns and adjectives in our cameo writing.

Happiness brings joy to life, it makes us bright and filled with delight.
It’s enjoyable, laughable, and even loveable too; for as long as you’re happy, you’ll always be true.
Happiness is such a motive word that’ll always be true; because it will always be bringing such pleasantness to you.
To me, happiness is something so bold because, you know what, it’s as precious as gold!


Feeling the struggle of pain, trusting myself not to burst out in tears.
Having to see the sadness just drifts me away from everything.
Looking back on such dedicated moments.
Reminds me of the good life that I that isn’t so true.
Holding on to the moments is hard and now I have to set myself free and let those moments go.
It’s time to move on ... it’s time to live a good life again.

...My worst fear...

My eyes melted out tears, my heart was beating so strongly.
Lost in my head, and didn’t know what to do.
I couldn’t take it; but it wasn’t easy to forget...
My brain was bubbling with felt so wrong, but it seemed so true.
That was a moment that I will never forget which holds my mind and I hope it won’t occur ever again.
Because it was so rough it felt like my heart had stopped, my eyes were pouring out. I could not hold it together and forgetting that I was in a classroom full of eyes whom were staring at me. Just one big moment...