Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Should we sell lollies at the school canteen??

I believe that selling lollies in a school canteen is not right and should not happen at all.

First of all, the Ministry of Health and Education will not approve of this; secondly, lollies aren’t healthy at all. And lastly, lollies can be very addictive.

In my opinion, I say that selling lollies in a school canteen is not right because...well, when the Ministry of Health and Education find out about this, they wouldn’t like this at all! Because it’s not suitable for children in school and if kids think that they can eat lollies in school, they, that means that they would probably think that, if they can eat them at school, they can eat them everyday, all the time!
Lollies might just ruin a school’s reputation...just by a small delicious product!

Lollies are scrumptious right? I mean who wouldn’t want to eat lollies? I know, that’s exactly my point, but it’s not good when you eat lollies everyday. But it’s okay to eat them occasionally. If you eat lollies about everyday, well all you will get out of it is basically plain, old NOTHING!!! You might even put on weight as for lollies have a huge amount of sugar, you’ll get lazy, you will easily get tired and especially your life will completely change if you have an unhealthy lifestyle!
Don’t sell lollies at a school canteen; it’ll become your exact normal lifestyle!

Finally, in lollies there’s something sweet in it...that’s right, it’s SUGAR! Now, I think that you’re probably thinking what’s “sugar” got to do with this? Well, this is why! Sugar is almost in every food, even in fruit, but that’s “natural” sugar. Any who, here’s what I’m trying to say, sugar is hard to resist. That’s why it’s so addictive! Lollies can be delicious and all but if you think about how addictive it is, you might eat the whole lolly and want more and more! If this carries on, there will be a moment where kids eat so many lollies that they get diabetes or sicknesses if they do this for the rest of your life!
This is my point, when you eat lollies from a school canteen, children seem to think that it’s okay to eat them eat them everyday! This could lead to serious sicknesses!
To sum up my point, I still believe that lollies shouldn’t be sold in a school canteen, because it is unhealthy. Remember, as they always say “Life is too short!”

1 comment:

  1. Your writing is cool to read because it is a good arguement about should we sell lollies in the school canteen shop. It is a very good arguement for a class discussion.


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